About Us

The cultural association "La Macchia", based in Matera, was established in 2018 with the aim of safeguarding a site of significant historical interest including the "Grotta dei Pipistrelli" and the adjoining Funeral Cave, located on one of the sides of the Gravina materana.

The project to safeguard the aforementioned archaeological site, characterized by a strong technological content, aims to promote a process of cultural and scientific growth as well as protection.

The name of the Association tells of the emotional bond with the “Lamacchia” family, owners of the archaeological site, and expresses the association’s desire to remain connected to the territory and the history of the place.

As in the Mediterranean scrub, a perfectly balanced ecosystem, all members contribute actively and proactively with their skills to support the activity of the cultural association.


It is important that Matera continues to offer a high cultural proposal to maintain the tourist flows it has conquered, with wide-ranging proposals capable of functioning and describing the territory in a new and stimulating way.

Type of Association activity

  • Activities of general interest - ICNPO classification Cultural and artistic activities
  • Recreational and social activities
  • Search
  • Promotion of the economic and social development of the community
  • Protection and development of housing assets
  • Other activities not elsewhere classified
  • Activities of general interest - art. 5 paragraph 1 Legislative Decree 117/2017 Education, instruction and professional training, as well as cultural activities of social interest with educational purposes
  • Social interventions and services
  • Interventions for the protection and enhancement of cultural heritage and landscape
  • Organization and management of cultural, artistic or recreational activities of social interest, including activities, including editorial, for the promotion and dissemination of culture and the practice of volunteering and activities of general interest referred to in this article
  • Organization and management of tourist activities of social, cultural or religious interest
  • Commercial, production, education and information, promotion, representation and licensing of certification marks activities, carried out within or in favour of fair trade supply chains
  • Promotion of the culture of legality, peace between peoples, nonviolence and unarmed defense.
  • Corporate bodies

    The Chairman of the Board of Directors

    The President currently in office elected by the ordinary assembly on 02/15/2018 is Antonio Giannini

    The Vice President

    The Vice President currently in office elected by the ordinary assembly on 02/15/2018 is Pietro Lamacchia

    The Counselor

    The current Councilor elected by the ordinary assembly on 02/15/2018 is Nicola Di Marzio

    Social structure

    Individual members: n°7

    The assembly:

    Art. 11 - Participation in the Assembly.

    The Assembly is convened in ordinary session at least twice a year: by November 30th for the approval of the budget for the following year, by April 30th for the approval of the financial statement of the previous year and for the possible renewal of the corporate offices.

    Association Statute

    Download the Statute


    Registered office: Via Casalnuovo, 207 - 75100 Matera (MT)

    Phone Number: +39 388 435 2404

    Repertorio: 39306 - Tax ID code: 93061670779 - Joined on 06/10/2022


    Tax ID code: 93061670779

    Abbreviated form of denomination: LA MACCHIA

    Legal Form: ASSOCIAZIONE

    Articles of Association: 15/02/2018

    Our emails

    Organizational/Administrative Secretariat: info@associazionelamacchia.it

    PEC (Certified Electronic Mail): associazionelamacchia@legalmail.it